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As an independent Christian outreach, we are committed first and foremost to the Lord Jesus Christ and the integrity of His Word. We also research, inform and warn about the dangers of cults, spiritual abuse, and mystical/occult based spirituality.

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Mar 24, 2015

Confronting the New Age/New Gospel/New Christianity

Biblical discernment and defending the faith

  1. The biblical mandate is to judge and discern between good and evil.
  2. Proper judgment, improper judgment, testing all things, and being biblically discerning.
  3. Beware of false prophets - they look like Christians yet they have characters "like ravenous wolves...You shall know them by their fruits."
  4. The Five Basic Doctrines of the Christian faith.
  5. A sample listing of various unbiblical “Christian” movements today.
  6. Occult practices canvassed in a veneer of "Christian" terminology.
  7. What is “judging,” “testing the spirits,” and “spiritual whoredom”?

Scriptures: Matthew 7:1-5, 15-23; 1 Corinthians 5:9-15; 10:5:15; 1 John 4:1-6; Revelation 17:1-6, 18:4

Various principles of biblical discernment:

Principles of discernment in the light of deception and false teachers: “try the spirits” (1 John 4:1); “mark and avoid those that bring doctrine contrary to what we have learned” (Romans 16:17); “rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith” (Titus 1:13); “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Ephesians 5:11); “[we are to] withdraw from them” (2 Thessalonians 3:6); “[we are to] turn away from them” (2 Timothy 3:5-7); “rreceive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.” (2 John 10-11); “a man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject” (Titus 3:10); “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.” (2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1).

Illustrating the great need for biblical discernment:

  1. Islam: Yahweh is not Allah.
  2. Freemasonry - A syncretistic New Age/occult religion.
  3. Mormonism - 17 major errors have produced a do-it-yourself work towards self-godhead polytheistic belief system.
  4. Angels - 25 major errors believed today in conflict with the Bible.
  5. Jehovah’s Witnesses - 45 primary errors in conflict with the Bible that make up this theologically and sociologically abusive cult.
  6. Roman Catholicism - 62 primary errors in conflict with the Holy Bible. Various components of biblical salvation that Roman Catholicism undermines and distorts.

Exposing New Age/New Gospel/New Spirituality in Western Christianity:

- Genesis 3:1-5 - The LIE!
- “One-ness”(Oneness) comes from the Occult Worldview that teaches that the “self” is God (Self). This is in direct opposition to the Biblical Worldview that God is holy and separate from sinful mankind that is in need of redemption. "Two-ness" is the idea that God is distinct and separate from His creation and sinful humanity. The Biblical Worldview refutes the concept of Monism (“One-ness”) and its dangerous philosophical offspring - pantheism, panentheism, and evolutionary occultism.

Where is it all headed?:

  1. Acknowledging "Self-godhood" through the implementation of Quantum spirituality (Science plus spirituality = denial of "separation"), Christian shamanism, Integral Spirituality/Integral Christianity, Christian Vedanta. The blasphemy of self-deification and Mystery Babylon (Rev. 17:1-5) is the ultimate LIE!
  2. The danger of the Contemplative “centering prayer” movement of Thomas Keating and “Christian Vedanta" (Christian Hinduism).
  3. Contemplative Pioneer Thomas Keating says, “If you don’t want to become God, you’ve missed the boat.”


  1. We must define our terms lest we be deceived like those who “redefine” Jesus of Nazareth into what He is clearly not.
  2. Closing words and a practical exhortation to remain loyal to the Jesus Christ of Scripture.

(Recorded: Mar 18, 2015)

See also, The "Jesus Calling" Sarah Young Devotional Series - Expose Archive.

Chris Lawson
Jude 3