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As an independent Christian outreach, we are committed first and foremost to the Lord Jesus Christ and the integrity of His Word. We also research, inform and warn about the dangers of cults, spiritual abuse, and mystical/occult based spirituality.

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Jun 2, 2015

Raising Up Biblical and Discerning Leaders

Some practical cautions and suggestions

Topics: The Fear of the Lord; Repentance; Dealing with heresy; Revering God instead of man; Consistent Bible reading; Seeking out Bible teaching leaders and ministries; Avoiding excesses and extremes; Defining your terms; Interpreting Scripture with Scripture; Using the Bible and Bible study tools instead of pop-Christianity books and fads; Defining biblical terminology in context; Knowing the basic essentials of the Christian faith and teaching them; Teaching the basics of biblical discernment; Using the proper rules of biblical interpretation; Understanding what a “cult” is, what “the occult” is, what “aberrant” means, and what a “pseudo-Christian cult” is; Finding out what leads to heresy and why; Educating yourself on the threats and dangers that are in the church today; Learning what biblical hermeneutics is all about; Educating your spouse and children in Scripture; Understanding schools of Interpretation and the dangers of “allegorizing” and “spiritualizing” Scripture; Testing all things by the Word of God; Avoiding all appearance of evil; Recognizing the signs and symptoms of cults, spiritual abuse; and more.

Recorded 11-12-2010

Chris Lawson
Jude 3