Jun 2, 2015
Raising Up Biblical and Discerning Leaders
practical cautions and suggestions
Topics: The Fear of the Lord; Repentance; Dealing
with heresy; Revering God instead of man; Consistent Bible reading;
Seeking out Bible teaching leaders and ministries; Avoiding
excesses and extremes; Defining your terms; Interpreting Scripture
with Scripture; Using the Bible and Bible study tools instead of
pop-Christianity books and fads; Defining biblical terminology in
context; Knowing the basic essentials of the Christian faith and
teaching them; Teaching the basics of biblical discernment; Using
the proper rules of biblical interpretation; Understanding what a
“cult” is, what “the occult” is, what “aberrant” means, and what a
“pseudo-Christian cult” is; Finding out what leads to heresy and
why; Educating yourself on the threats and dangers that are in the
church today; Learning what biblical hermeneutics is all about;
Educating your spouse and children in Scripture; Understanding
schools of Interpretation and the dangers of “allegorizing” and
“spiritualizing” Scripture; Testing all things by the Word of God;
Avoiding all appearance of evil; Recognizing the signs and symptoms
of cults, spiritual abuse; and more.
Recorded 11-12-2010
Chris Lawson
Jude 3